List of NEMOs

According to Article 4(10) of CACM Regulation ACER shall maintain a list of the designated NEMOs, their status and where they operate on its website: ACER’s list of designated NEMOs

Besides the NEMOs designated in each Member State, the following NEMOs are active in other countries using the passporting option:

All NEMO Committee

The All NEMO Committee facilitates the cooperation among NEMOs for all common European tasks necessary for the efficient and secure design, implementation and operation of single day-ahead and intraday coupling. The All NEMO Committee is a contractual decision making body without legal personality, formed by the appointed representatives of each NEMO.

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The All NEMO Committee also ensures compliance with the CACM Regulation, the MCO Plan and related contracts and relevant methodologies. It does this by organising periodic teleconferences and/or physical meetings, where discussions and decisions on article 9 of the CACM Regulation take place. According to section 4.2 of the MCO Plan, the All NEMO Committee may create or dissolve working groups or task forces dedicated to managing specific topics, under the responsibility of relevant task force leaders that refer to All NEMO Committee.

The All NEMO Committee also represent official all NEMOs positions in several coordination groups and meetings with TSOs and Institutions (European Commission, ACER and NRAs) both in ad hoc meetings or relevant periodic Fora such as Florence Forum, MESC or TCG amongst others.


Cooperation is one of the key-words of the CACM Regulation. As a matter of fact, the establishment and efficient management of single day-ahead and intraday coupling process requires a high level of cooperation between Nominated Electricity Market Operators (“NEMOs”), who shall jointly carry out the MCO function based on the principle of non-discrimination (according to Article 7 of CACM Regulation).

To facilitate cooperation among NEMOs for all common European tasks required by the CACM Regulation each NEMO is entitled to sign the All NEMO Cooperation Agreement (ANCA) LINK and join the All NEMO Committee.

All NEMO Committee organization

Technical Task Force
Legal Task Force
Costs Task Force Leader
Reporting and Communication Task Force Leader
  • Name: Yovka Ivanova
  • Date of last election: April 2024
  • Contact:
Governance Task Force
  • Name: Lajos Valent
  • Date of last election: April 2024
  • Contact:

CACM Annual Reports

CACM, Terms, Conditions and Methodologies

Under Article 9(6) of the CACM Regulation, the Nominated Electricity Market Operators (NEMOs) have the obligation to propose to ACER the following terms and conditions or methodologies:

  1. All NEMOs proposal for the price coupling algorithm and for the continuous trading matching algorithm, also incorporating TSO and NEMO proposals for a common set of requirements, in accordance with Article 37(5) and 37 (1) of the CACM Regulation (Algorithm Methodology);

  2. All NEMOs proposal for products that can be taken into account by NEMOs in single day-ahead coupling process in accordance with Article 40 of the CACM Regulation (DA Products Methodology);

  3. All NEMOs proposal for products that can be taken into account by NEMOs in single intraday coupling process in accordance with Article 53 of the CACM Regulation (ID Products Methodology);

  4. All NEMOs proposal for the back-up methodology in accordance with Article 36(3) of the CACM Regulation (Back-up Methodology);

  5. All NEMOs proposal on harmonized maximum and minimum clearing prices to be applied in all bidding zones which participate in single day-ahead and single intraday couplings, in accordance with Art. 41 (2) and Art. 54 (2) of CACM (Harmonised min-max clearing price methodology);

The proposals are subject to a public consultation (in line with Article 12 of the CACM Regulation).

The details of the approval of each proposal are given in the following table:

MCO Plan

Under Article 7 of the CACM Regulation, on 14 April 2016 the Nominated Electricity Market Operators (NEMOs) submitted to all regulatory authorities (NRAs) and to ACER the proposal for a plan that sets out how to jointly set up and perform the MCO functions, including necessary draft agreements between NEMOs and with third parties (the MCO Plan).

The MCO Plan was unanimously approved in its final version by all NRAs on 20 June 2017, and includes:

  • The definition of the principles for the cooperation among all NEMOs and the establishment of the NEMO Committee with roles and responsibilities;
  • Formal adoption of PCR and XBID solutions as the basis for the efficient implementation of the objectives of CACM Regulation for, respectively, the Single Day-ahead Coupling (SDAC) and Single Intraday Coupling (SIDC), as set out in Article 36(4) of CACM Regulation;
  • A detailed description and the proposed timescale for implementation of SDAC and SIDC;
  • A description of the expected impact of the terms and conditions or methodologies on the establishment and performance of the MCO function.

The in-force version of the MCO Plan is available here:

MCO Plan

Algorithm Methodology

On 30 January 2020 via the decision 04/2020, ACER adopted the Algorithm Methodology, also incorporating TSOs' and NEMOs' proposals for a common set of Requirements pursuant to Article 5(2)(b) of Regulation (EU) 2019/942 and Article 53(1) of Commission Regulation (EU) 2015/1222. Most recently the DA Products Methodology was updated with ACER Decision 11-2024.

The current, in-force version of the Algorithm methodology is available here:

Algorithm Methodology

ID Products Methodology

On 30 January 2020 the ID Products methodology was approved via the decision 05/2020.

The current, in-force version of the ID Products methodology is available here:

Intraday Products

DA Products Methodology

On 24 January 2018, the DA Products methodology was approved by all NRAs. 

The NRAs requested an amendment of the DA Products methodology on the 14 August 2019, which was reviewed in 2020 and finally ACER decided on the amendments to the methodology on 22 December 2020, when it approved the amended DA Products methodology via No 37/2020. Most recently the DA Products Methodology was updated with ACER Decision 13-2024.

The current, in-force version of the DA Products methodology is available here:

Day-ahead Products 

Back-up methodology

On 24 January 2018, the Back-up methodology was approved by all NRAs.

The current, in-force version of the Back-up methodology is available here:

Back-up Methodology

Harmonised maximum and minimum clearing price methodology for the Single Day-ahead Coupling (HMMCP SDAC)

On 14 November 2017, the HMMCP SDAC was approved by ACER. 
The HMMCP SDAC was amended and approved by ACER via Decision 01/2023 on 10 January 2023.

The current, in-force version of the HMMCP SDAC is available here:

HMMCP Methodology SDAC January 2023  

Harmonised maximum and minimum clearing price methodology for the Single Intraday Coupling (HMMCP SIDC)

On 14 November 2017, the HMMCP SIDC was approved by ACER. 
The HMMCP SIDC was amended and approved by ACER via Decision 01/2023 on 10 January 2023.

The current, in force version of the HMMCP SIDC is available here:

HMMCP Methodology SIDC January 2023